Rhine Singleton - Director and Editor

Rhine Singleton - Director and Editor

Image I'm a Professor of Biology and Environmental Science at Franklin Pierce University where I teach courses such as Introduction to Environmental Science, Ecology, Plant Biology, and Forest Ecology. The University is located in rural southwest New Hampshire in the United States and the campus includes over 1,000 acres of natural areas. As a result, my classes spend significant amounts of time in the field studying natural history and collecting data to answer ecological questions.

The 2100 Project
Despite living and teaching in such a beautiful part of the world that is relatively isolated from many of the biggest global environmental and human challenges, I sense a deep concern among my students about the significant problems humans face. In fact, much of the content in my courses includes identifying, detailing, and elaborating on the many negative impacts humans have on the environment. I have also had the eye-opening experiences of living in Madagascar, Costa Rica, India, and southern Africa during graduate school and while on sabbatical. This time abroad has put me in direct contact with some truly dire human and environmental conditions; at the same time, my work has introduced me to remarkable people making extraordinary efforts to enact positive change.

I do believe that it's possible to solve many of the challenges that we'll face in the upcoming decades. I believe that sharing and celebrating stories of success will be critical for building and maintaining momentum as we move forward. And I believe that collaboration among people with widely varying interests and perspectives will play a crucial role. With these ideas in mind I began the 2100 Project.

Research Interests
In the past, I have studied endangered butterflies in Oregon, the effect of land-use history on forest plants in central New York, the impacts of an invasive shrub on native plants in New Hampshire, and an endangered bird in Costa Rica (you can find more about that study here). More recently, my interests have shifted to the use of technology to help share and promote understanding of the natural world. Examples include an online guide for undergraduate research, a tree guide for the Franklin Pierce Campus, sound graphs, sound installations, and sheet music to share data on climate change. You can find my bio on the Franklin Pierce University website here and my CV here.

This page shows my current office hours and includes links to sign up to meet with me.

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