Random Number Tables

Below you will find several random number tables. The pdf versions are ready to use. It's possible that one of them "as is" will work for your study.

If you need to make some changes, the excel version can be modified to suit your needs as long as you're willing to work with formulas in MS Excel . . . more on that below . . .


one hundred random digits from 1 to 9

random coordinates for a ten by ten grid

random coordinates for a twenty by twenty grid

random coordinates for a twenty by fifty grid

random coordinates for a fifty by fifty grid

random coordinates for a hundred by hundred grid

random compass bearings between 0 and 360 with random distances between 5 and 15

MS Excel Workbook

To modify one of the sheets in the excel workbook linked below, you'll need to know some basics about excel formulas. In excel, you can type "=rand()" into a cell (without the quotation marks) and when you hit enter, you will see a random number between 0 and 1. So, in order to generate a random number between 0 and ten, you need to multiply the random number that excel generates by ten like this:


To generate a random number between 5 and 15, try this:


With these simple techniques, you should be able to modify the tables in the excel workbook below (see tabs along bottom for different existing sheets) to suit the needs of your sampling design. Good luck!

excel workbook with random numbers

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